How to clean cast iron cookware

How to Clean Cast Iron Cookware

Cooking with cast iron cookware is A great way to add flavor And texture to Your food. With proper care And cleaning, You can keep Your cookware in good condition for years. Knowing The correct techniques for cleaning this cookware can help You maximize its longevity And ensure that Your meals taste delicious every time. In this article, We will discuss How to clean cast iron cookware And how preserve it And keep it in optimal condition.

What is cast iron?

It is A type of metal alloy made up primarily of iron And carbon. It has a relatively high carbon content, typically between 2-4%, Which gives it its distinct properties. Casting iron is known for its strength And durability, As well as its ability to absorb And retain heat. This makes it an ideal material for cookware, As it can maintain consistent temperatures over long periods.

Additionally, Casting iron is also used in The construction of bridges, Machines, And other heavy-duty structures due to its strength And resistance to wear. Its low melting point also makes it useful for casting objects into intricate shapes.

What is cast iron cookware?

What is cast iron cookware?

It is a type of kitchen cooking tool made from cast iron. It has been used for centuries to cook food in A variety of ways, including baking, boiling, frying, And roasting. Casting iron is An ideal material for kitchenware because it can withstand high temperatures without warping or cracking. It also distributes heat evenly, Making it great for searing And browning foods. The heavyweight of casting iron also helps retain heat And makes it easier to control The temperature when cooking. 

This cookware requires special care to maintain its non-stick qualities And prevent rusting. After each use, it should be cleaned with warm water And soap And then dried thoroughly before being seasoned with vegetable oil Or melted lard. This seasoning process helps create a natural non-stick coating that will last for years if properly maintained.

Benefits of using cast iron cookware

Benefits of using cast iron cookware

Cast iron cooking pan has many benefits for The home chef. It is highly durable And can last for generations if properly cared for. This makes it An Ideal option for those who want to invest in quality cookware that will stand The test of time. Casting iron is A great heat conductor, Meaning that it heats up quickly And evenly, Allowing You to cook food more efficiently.

Casting iron retains heat well, Allowing You to keep food warm even after it has been taken off The heat. This makes it perfect for slow-cooking recipes Or keeping dishes hot until they are ready to be served.

Cleaning Materials

Hot water


Kosher Salt

Wooden Spoon

Vegetable oil


The best way to Cleaning Cast Iron Cookware

The Best Way To Clean And Season a Cast Iron Cookware

The first step in cleaning Your kitchenware is to let it cool completely. Hot water can damage The seasoning on Your pan Or skillet. Once cool, Use a stiff-bristled brush or A chainmail scrubber to remove Any food remnants Or residue. For tougher stuck-on bits, Add some kosher salt And scrub until clean.

After cleaning, It’s important to dry Your casting iron thoroughly to prevent rusting. Use a paper towel Or kitchen cloth to wipe away Any excess moisture before placing The pan on The stove over low heat for A few minutes. Keep reading How to clean cast iron cookware.

Also Learn more: How to Clean Aluminum Cookware.

Chapter One:

Step 1: Hot water in hot cookware

Hot water in hot cookware

Hot water is An effective tool when it comes to cleaning cast iron cookware. It’s important to note that hot Water should only be used on A hot Cooking pan. Pouring hot water into A cold casting iron pan can cause The metal to warp or crack.

To clean Your casting iron cookware using hot water, Start by heating The pan on low heat for A minute Or two. Then turn off The heat And let it cool down slightly before Adding hot water. The hot water will help loosen Any food particles Or grease that may have stuck to The surface of The pan.

Step 2: Sponge scrub lightly

Sponge scrub lightly

When cleaning Your cookware, always avoid using harsh cleaning products that can damage The seasoning And ruin The non-stick surface. Use A soft-bristled brush Or A sponge to scrub away Any food residue or stains gently. Before use Make sure that The sponge is dampened with warm water. It’s important to note that while You should scrub lightly, Don’t be afraid to give Your kitchenware A thorough cleaning when necessary.

Step 3: Kosher salt add a bit of water

Kosher salt add a bit of water

One of The most critical steps in cleaning Your cast iron pan is seasoning it with kosher salt. But did You know that adding A bit of water to The process can make all The difference? When You Add water, It creates A paste-like consistency, Which helps scrub away Any stubborn dirt Or grime that may be stuck onto Your cookware.

The coarseness also helps prevent Any damage from occurring while scrubbing, Ensuring that Your skillet stays in tip-top condition for years to come. By wetting The kosher salt with just A bit of water, You’ll create An abrasive mixture that can easily clean even The toughest stains off of Your cookware.

Step 4: Use a wooden spoon And scrap The tough bits

One popular technique to clean a cooking pan is by using A wooden spoon to scrape off any tricky bits. Using A wooden spoon not only helps remove Any stuck-on food But also prevents scratches on The surface of The casting iron.

It’s important to note that You should never use soap Or Harsh Chemicals. When cleaning this cookware As it can strip away its seasoning And natural non-stick surface. Instead, Option for natural ingredients such As salt Or baking soda for tougher stains. Simply use The wooden spoon to gently scrape off any bits And then rinse with hot Water.

Step 5: Rinse it with hot water

To clean Your skillet, Rinse it with hot water. Use A stiff-bristled brush Or sponge to remove any food particles Or stubborn stains. Add a little dish soap to The brush Or sponge if needed. Rinse The skillet again with hot water until all soap residue is gone. After rinsing Your skillet, Dry it immediately with A towel Or paper towel. Do not let it air dry As this can cause rust to form on The surface of Your pan.

Step 6: Dry on oven low heat

Dry on oven low heat

Make sure this Cookware is completely dry before placing it in The oven. Any leftover moisture can cause rusting Or damage to The seasoning. Preheat Your oven to 200-250 degrees Fahrenheit place The Cookware inside for about 10-15 minutes. This will ensure that any remaining moisture evaporates fully.

Step 7: Vegetable oil Or shortening apply thinly

Vegetable oil Or shortening apply thinly

It’s important to note that applying these oils too thickly can lead to A sticky residue on Your cookware. To avoid this problem, apply A thin layer of oil Or fat before cooking. One easy way to apply oil thinly is by using A paper towel Or cloth.

Dip The paper towel into The oil And then wipe it across The surface of Your cast iron pan until it’s coated with A very thin layer of oil. Make sure You don’t leave Any excess oil on Your Cookware As this can cause Your food to stick Or develop An unpleasant taste over time.

Chapter Two: Removing rust apply Kosher Salt

Over time, it can become rusted And tarnished from repeated use And exposure to moisture. Kosher salt is An abrasive substance that can help remove rust from pots And pans without damaging The surface of The kitchenware. To use kosher salt for cleaning cast ferric, Preheat Your oven to 350°F. Next, Sprinkle a generous amount of kosher salt onto The surface of Your rusty pan Or pot. Use A damp cloth Or paper towel to rub The salt into The affected area until it forms A paste.

Chapter Three: Initial Seasoning using Crisco

Seasoning this cookware is An essential process that enhances its non-stick surface And prevents rust. It’s A Simple And easy process, But it must be done correctly.

Before seasoning Your cookware with Crisco, Ensure that it’s clean And free from Any debris Or rust. Start by washing Your pan with warm Water, Mild soap, And a scrub brush. Rinse it thoroughly with hot water And dry completely using A towel or heat.

Once The pan is dry, Apply a thin layer of Crisco all over its surface using A paper towel Or cloth. Ensure that You cover every area evenly, Including The handle And sides. Preheat Your oven to 350°F (175°C) And place The pan upside down on The center rack.

Chapter Four: Cleaning After every use

Cleaning After every use

Cleaning after every use is essential to maintain The longevity And quality of Your kitchenware. Always wait until The pan has cooled down before cleaning it. Use hot water And a scrub brush to remove all The dirt And leftover food in The skillet. Avoid using soap unless necessary As it can strip away The seasoning of The pan, Which is responsible for its natural non-stick properties. If there are any stubborn stains Or stuck-on food, Try adding coarse salt to The pan while rubbing it with A paper towel.

How to store Your cleaned cast iron cookware?

Storing your casting iron cooking pan is An important part of keeping it in good condition. To store Your Cooking pan, First, make sure it is scorched And free of any food residue. You can then lightly coat The inside And outside of The kitchenware with vegetable oil to prevent rusting.

Store it in a cool, Dry place away from moisture. It’s best to store Your casting iron Cooking pan on A rack or in A cabinet so that air can circulate it. If You have multiple pieces of casting iron Cookware, Make sure each piece is not stacked on top of The other to avoid damage. 

Read more: How To Clean Hard Anodized Cookware


How to season cast iron cookware?

This cookware is naturally non-stick And the seasoning is not necessary. However, if You want protection from sticking, there are a few simple ways.

First, coat The inside of The pan with vegetable oil or animal fat. This will help prevent sticking And make The food more flavorful.

Second, add a pinch of salt to The pan before adding Your food. Finally, use a wooden spoon Or spatula to stir The food constantly while it cooks to avoid sticking.

Where to buy cast iron cookware?

You can buy it from various places. Department stores, home improvement stores, And online retailers all sell it. You can also find it at specialty stores.

How do You season cast iron cookware?

Cast iron cookware is best seasoned with a bit of oil And a sprinkle of salt. You can also use a wood Or charcoal grill to give The cookware a nice char.

What is The best-cast iron cookware brand?

The most popular brands include Lodge, Le Creuset, And Staub. All of these brands are highly respected for their quality And durability.

Who makes The best-cast iron cookware?

You will get several great brands out there, but some of my favorites include Lodge, Le Creuset, And Staub. All three make high-quality kitchenware that is durable and easy to use. It is a classic option for those who love cooking over an open flame, And The best brands offer great warranties As well.

How to clean rusty cast iron cookware?

Cast iron cookware is a wonderful material to cook with, but it can also be a bit of a pain to keep clean. Follow The Cleaning process.

First, use a non-abrasive cleaner on a soft cloth to remove any food residue And dirt. 

Next, use a degreaser on a soft cloth to remove any built-up grime And rust. 

Finally, polish it with a metal polish if desired.

If it is very rusty, it may need to be soaked in a mild soap solution And then rinsed with water.


Cleaning And Maintaining Your Cookware is A simple process that requires A few basic steps. Seasoning And using The right tools will ensure that Your Cookware lasts for generations. When You follow The steps above, You’ll be able to enjoy all The benefits of cooking with cast iron: better-tasting food, Improved nutrition, And a healthier lifestyle. A casting iron cooking pan is An excellent choice for any kitchen; It’s durable, Effective, And can last forever if properly cared for. I believe now You are clear about How to clean cast iron cookware.

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